I offer relationship counselling for people wanting to explore their couple dynamics, or wanting to address issues in other close relationships, with family members for instance. Coming for relationship counselling is a courageous move, and yet one that can be very helpful where there are recurring arguments that people struggle to make sense of or use to grow. Many couples I work with approach me initially to explore ongoing tensions and irritability, lack of connection, difficulties with physical intimacy, dealing with external events such as loss, work and financial problems, addiction and finally facing life transitions – children, infertility, and ageing. The aim of my work is to help you communicate openly and honestly with each other, and to reflect upon what is best both for you as individuals, and as a couple.

Because sexuality is an important part of how we relate to ourselves and others, this is also part of the work with couples. You might be a monogamous couple, two individuals with differing libidos, people who are interested in or are already in, open or polyamorous relationships, or a couple who want to look at how they express their desires and sexuality in general. These are all conversations we can have, at a pace that suits you. I work from a sex-positive and gender-aware position, so welcome couples interested in or engaging in sexual practices such as kink & BDSM and people that identify as queer, LGBT or non-binary.