I am a Clinical Supervisor, offering supervision for Counsellors and Psychotherapists working with individuals, couples, families and people in other relationship formations (siblings, business partners, metamours). I supervise practitioners working in private practice and within organisations, in-person and online, in 1-1 or peer supervision groups.

An integrative stance means I can offer supervision to professionals from a range of modalities and aim for supervision to be a space where you can bring your work, or experiences from your own life, and reflect on these together. I am a firm believer in “democractic” ways of working meaning that I support your own professional development and skills. Having worked in the field for nearing 15 years, I have extensive clinical experience and therefore bring to supervision a solid grounding in the theory and practice of psychotherapy. If you are interested in finding out more about supervision with me, please do get in touch and we can arrange an initial phone call or have an email exchange.